Ekspertiza: CISSP, Cyber Communications Manager, SHI International Corp.
I love that it rewards those of us who are curious and like to learn. There's never a dull moment! And even better, we don't need to work for the same employer - or even in the same industry - to feel a sense of community and the desire to collaborate. It's a great feeling to pass along even a small amount of information that might help an organization protect itself against "the bad guys."
Ekspertiza: Ed.D., CISSP Chief Information Security & Privacy Officer, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals
Growing and building teams that embrace the concept that effective cybersecurity starts with understanding the business the company is in, the risks it faces, the outcomes it desires and then developing the strategies and tactics to achieve them.
BIO: Bob is a results-driven, team-oriented leader with the passion and demonstrated leadership to build highly innovative digital security teams and who also has a proven ability to effectively communicate digital security risk/value to boards and executive leadership. He’s a highly experienced senior cybersecurity leader with a proven track record of creating and developing global data security/privacy and risk management programs from the ground up. He has a unique blend of business acumen and behavioral science expertise in addition to extensive digital security knowledge/experience.
Ekspertiza: Global CISO, Transcom; Board member of ISACA Hungarian Chapter and (ISC)2 Hungarian Chapter
When I was at the age of 13, I have seen a TV spot about „Programming in BASIC” on the local TV at Hungary. That was the time when I decided and changed my original concept being an electrical engineer to being a programmer. My family was shocked but accepted and supported my decision. And I never regret it. I started as a computer programmer at the Hungarian Railways. During the years I had several challenges and changes in my job, and somewhere in 2005 I fell in love with IT security. Now I am a global CISO, responsible for information security protection in my company across the globe. Only one thing never changed: I am continuously learning. Cannot stop it. I found my dream profession that is also a hobby for me. I advise you the following: Always follow your dreams. Be an IT professional if you feel it inside that this is the field for you. Never believe anyone who says this profession is not for you. It is your dream. Let it be your path.”
Ekspertiza: Risk Advisory Manager, Deloitte; President of ISACA Belgrade Chapter; One of Top 50 Women of Influence in Cybersecurity Europe in 2019 (SC Magazine UK's list)
I like to work in cybersecurity area because learning in this environment never stops. I cannot describe the satisfaction when I see that my work gives results and especially it makes me happy when I see that my work moved the needle forward.
Ekspertiza: Senior Manager for IT Security EU/EMEA at Teva Pharmaceuticals. Cybersec Professional. Instructor. President of the Board, (ISC)2 Adriatic Chapter.
If you are considering a career in cybersecurity, I will provide you with a few compelling reasons to encourage you to do so. My name is Edo Babić and I am an IT Engineer by profession. I have been working in the dynamic and ever-changing information technology (IT) domain for almost 30 years. Hence “changing” – this is how my interests widened and this is how I learned a lot on the way.
But this is also how cybersecurity became a part of my career, and a part of my life.
Originally branching from IT world, cybersecurity, as it is today, touches almost all aspects of our daily lives. Not only it plays an essential role in safeguarding our online safety, but also the safety of systems which are fundamental for our daily lives – electricity, transportation, financial institutions, health institutions, education institutions.
So, finally, why do I work in cybersecurity, and why should you?
Ekspertiza: Data Security Expert, T-HT; Board Member at (ISC)2 Croatia Chapter
Naše teme su definitvno najinteresantnije a tu je kolaboracija i suradnja sa cybersecurity profesionalcima i srodnim organizacijama iz cijelog svijeta. Često radim na projektima koji uključuju nove tehnologije i znanja, a što ponekad zahtjeva dodatno razvijanje postojećih ili usvajanje novih vještina.
Cybersecurity svijet svakodnevno donosi nova iznenađenja koja mi bude znatiželju i dodatnu motivaciju za usavršavanje mojih vještina.
Uvijek mi je dobar osjećaj dok usvajam nova znjanja kroz razne edukacije ili na druge načine. Bude malo nervoze oko certifikacijskih ispita, ali kada prođem ispit i dobijem certifikat, sreći nema kraja! S ponosom ističem svoja postignuća, pogotovo kada znam da ista daju poticaj i drugima. Svojim primjerom gradim povjerenje u digitalno društvo i zato nikada ne odustajem!
Ekspertiza: Senior Security Expert at UniCredit Services GmbH
U današnjem globalno umreženom digitalnom svijetu, upravljanje informacijskom sigurnošću i zaštita informacija i informacijskih sustava predstavlja kritične aktivnosti. To se posebno odnosi na kritične informacijske sustave poput zdravstvenih ustanova, bankarskih institucija ili elektroenergetskog sektora koji su izrazito izloženi kibernetičkim napadima u vremenu trenutne pandemije.
Tako specijalistički poslijediplomski studij Upravljanje sigurnošću i revizija informacijskih sustava daje odličnu priliku za sustavni pregled područja informacijske sigurnosti. Meni, kao bivšem polazniku ovog studija, značajno su se proširili vidici i znanja vezano uz informacijsku sigurnost, te je sam studij poslužio kao dobra priprema za polaganje CISSP certifikata. Osim toga, ovakva vrsta studija omogućava povezivanje te razmjenu znanja i iskustva sa kolegama stručnjacima iz IT industrije, što je od neprocjenjive važnosti. Dodatno, završetkom studija svakako se dobiva kvalitetna osnova za daljnje akademsko obrazovanje u smjeru doktorskog studija.