Team member six

Izv. prof. dr. sc. Markus Schatten

Markus Schatten je izvanredni profesor i voditelj Laboratorija za umjetnu inteligenciju na Fakultetu organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Saznajte više o predavaču:

Obranio je doktorat u području infomacijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti, znanstveni magisterij u području informacijskih znanosti te diplomu na prediplomskom studiju Informacijski sustavi. Autor je preko 110 znanstvenih i stručnih radova te dvije knjige. Drži nastavu na svim razinama studija (prediplomski, diplomski, specijalistički i doktorski studij) iz područja vezanih uz baze podataka, semantičko modeliranje, programiranje i umjetnu inteligenciju. Njegovo područje istraživanja je umjetna inteligencija i njezina primjena u različitim domenama poput višeagentnih sustava, virtualnih asistenata, računalnih igara, Interneta svega, rudarenja društvenog Weba i teorije autopoiesisa.
Sudjelovao je na 15-ak znanstvenih i stručnih projekata uključujući nekoliko međunarodnih (FP7, COST, Erasmus+). Vodio je uspostavni projekt HRZZ (ModelMMORPG Large-scale Multi-agent Modeling of Massively Multi-player on-line Role Playing Games), upravo vodi istraživački projekt (O_HAI④Games - Orchestration of Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Methods for Computer Games).

Markus Schatten is an associate professor and the head of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory on the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb. He has defended his PhD thesis in the field of information and communication sciences, has a master thesis in information sciences and a diploma in information systems. He authored over 110 scientific and professional papers and two books. He is holding lectures on all university degrees (bachelor, master, specialist, doctoral) in the fields of database systems, semantic modeling, programming and artificial intelligence. His field of research includes artificial intelligence and its application to various domains including but not limited to multiagent systems, virtual assiszants, computer games, the Internet of Everything, social web mining and autopoiesis theory.
He has participated in about 15 scientific and professional projects including a few international ones (FP7, COST, Erasmus+). He lead a scientific installation project (ModelMMORPG Large-scale Multi-agent Modeling of Massively Multi-player on-line Role Playing Games), is currently leading a research project (O_HAI④Games - Orchestration of Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Methods for Computer Games) both sponsored by the Croatian Science Foundation.